iv. Related posts: 215 Words Short Essay […] India has only 1 % of world vehicles population but accounts for 10% of world road crashes. Water may look so harmless and peaceful until the large quantities termed Floods harms us. My shyness is my greatest weakness. When water gets on dry land in large quantity flood is said to have occurred. There was a time when floodplains covered large stretches along European rivers. Again, Delhi and Mumbai are cities which see such floods even after an hour of continuous rainfall. There has been increase in the frequency of floods recently. While flood is a natural calamity which may sometime come unannounced, it is important that we construct buildings in accordance with the modern technical advancements. Researchers have said that the average temperature of the sea has wildly increased because of global warming and it has led to the increased sternness and rate of storms that are tropical in and around the Caribbean. Ways To Prevent Flood Essay Spm, how to write an apology essay, kealing magnet application sample essay, verbal behavior literature review Unlimited revisions until you are satisfied. Some of the key ones among them are as follows. And my most favorite book is: The Secret. Some parts in Delhi witness river flood every year due to the overflowing of the river Yamuna due to excessive rains and the excess flow of water from the Hathnikund Dam. Dams are constructed to be able to hold the water that is flowing downwards from an area of land that is higher. An extent 9.0 quake under the Indian Ocean on Dec. 26, 2004, set off a tidal wave that crushed southern India. ProfessorUltimate away. Performance & security by Cloudflare, Please complete the security check to access. In coastal areas hurricanes and tsunamis cause flood. Stop encroaching of river beds and allowing the rivers to take its natural course can drastically bring down floods. For the overflow of water to be classified as flood, the area of land affected has to be mostly dry. It is mainly during the monsoon season with the onset of rain, we hear of different floods and the havoc they have caused to humans, animals and plant life. People living in coastal areas are prone to coastal floods. Prevention of floods that result from natural causes is a challenge. I love it. The areas that are low lying and are near the water body are the ones that are affected the most during the periods of water overflowing downstream. The effects of flood damage can be categorized into three types, namely, primary, secondary and tertiary. The energy of the water can be used to turn and power propellers that can be used for the generation and creation of electricity. Pluvial floods are destructive because they disrupt the drainage systems and cause an overflow which affects structures. How to Prevent Flood Flooding is one of the main problems during the rainy season, in particular, in urban areas. On the whole, floods cause multiple hardships and turn the livelihood of affected people upside-down. through air dropping. In such cases clogged drainages lead to even more flooding of the area. Another impact of floods is loss of drinking water. Usually, floods occur in residential areas around the river due to overflowing river water caused by several human factors themselves. One of the causes of flood are tropical storms. Disaster Recovery Tabletop Exercise Examples. By knowing about it a little ahead of time helps people be better prepared for it. Avoid mosquito bites and protect yourself by wearing full-sleeved shirts and long pants. 649 completed orders. Flood is one of the natural calamities which is known to wreck a lot of havoc. The Dike And The Flood Essay The Dike and the Flood In the early eighteenth century, the French Revolution is over and Napoleon is out of power. There are so many different instances wherein floods are known to damage the whole area and bring massive loss of life and property as well. In conclusion, it is evident that floods are destructive. For instance, there are Flash Floods in which there is a sudden heavy downpour due to a cloudburst and the entire area is flooded within minutes. Cellar/Basement Flood Pumps. Migrations from areas that are prone to floods is common, which results in overpopulation in urban areas. It also involves building the state's capacity to prevent and combat terrorism. Coastal areas of Kerala, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu and Orissa witness such floods every year. The scene of a flooded area and its effects. Heavy snowing can also cause fluvial floods when the ice melts. In India, there are many regions which are affected by floods. The bottom line remains the fact that we should all try and minimize the negative impact we are having on the environment. This short essay on Flood contains information on what is Flood, how it is caused, its effect, relief and preventive Measures. If the rain is much above normal, it can lead to flooding. Owing to the excessive development work which we have been carried out and harming the environment, too many rivers have diverted from their natural courses. It is a natural calamity caused due to several factors. Flood is also caused because of other reasons including overflow of water from rivers and oceans, overflow of water in the plains due to dam break, excessive flow of water owing to sudden melting of glaciers. Another type of floods is the inland flooding. Global warming is associated with intense climatic changes like heavy storms, snowing and raised sea water levels. Essays on How To Prevent Flash Flood. Flood means a lot of water and hence it is directly related to the outbreak of mosquito-borne diseases such as Dengue, Malaria and West Nile fever etc. When you have a dedicated system, it can help warn people who can move to higher altitude or take the right steps. With the recent back to back occurrences in Kedarnath and Kerala, it is high time the Government as well all of us sit down and think what harm we have done to nature. iii. Countless homes and cattle get washed away. These essays shall prove helpful to students for the examinations as well. In India, areas in the states of Himachal Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir and Uttarakhand witness occurrence of flash flood every year. In short, we cannot prevent natural causes like rain and the melting of glaciers. Essay 1 question paper 7th class hindi how to write an interview essay. However, there have been occurrences of the flood which have caused massive destruction and hence are termed as the deadliest floods. Even though there isn’t much we can do about the glaciers melting or rain, we can do our part by building very good and reliable drainage systems that can handle water. It is also responsible for increase in sea level because of melting of ice caps and glaciers. Floods are caused in areas where there is excessive downpour and poor drainage system. Deforestation also plays a major role in flooding. Construction of tall buildings in flood zones is likely to save more lives. Another reason for coastal floods is global warming due which the rise in sea level temperatures has led to the subsequent rise in water level in coastal areas. This is not an example of the work written by professional essay writers. Simple Flood Prevention Tips Since leaves are the biggest contributor to clogged gutters, clean the gutters and the drainage downspouts attached to your roof at least twice a year Make sure that the ground area within 10 feet of your home slopes away from your home’s foundation Extend downspouts at least 10 feet from your home In the case of inland flooding, the area witnessing a rainfall get flooded with the roads and lanes all filled with water. Money-back guarantee in case you do not like the content that we write for you. Hurricanes and storm surges on the sea or ocean can cause minor, moderate or major floods. Global warming has resulted in the melting of glaciers which increase water levels of rivers and flooding of river banks. Post flood, there is a huge risk in the spreading of water borne diseases. We must not forget that older civilisations emerged around rivers and seas only and they just vanished with time due to the ever-rising water level on the earth. Flood also damages railway lines and affects the transport. Temporary structures Temporary flood barriers are available from a large range of sources online. If the area receiving the water does not have a proper and good drainage system that will help in getting rid of the large quantity of water, there is going to be flooding. My professor was impressed by my essay How To Prevent Flash Flood Essay on literature. Flood is not just the excess rainfall we talk about. Floods cause death of living things and humans. In the sense of "flowing water", the word may also be applied to the inflow of the tide. Foods are destructive in nature and have negative impacts on the environment and the ecosystem. Other than that, dams must be constructed strongly. Rivers overflow due to heavy rains that increase water levels in rivers beyond its capacity therefore resulting in floods. In fact, some regions are sure to be flooded with the onset of monsoon season. essay on how to prevent flood disaster click to continue Not to be confused with ap english literature and composition in 2007, a new type of essay prompt, the “synthesis” essay, was introduced to the exam. Because of global warming, the average temperature of sea has increased significantly. 3. These floods are usually caused by high tides or Tsunami which bring huge volumes of water on the land thereby flooding it. the flood of 2010 in Pakistan was the greatest natural disaster in a century or more when the floods began and what they resulted in; causes of the floods; death and destruction brought on by the floods; the condition of the flood; affected people and suggestions; use of the funds for the flood-affected Floods can also have an economic backslide, thus putting the country at risk. Floods are destructive to the environment. Aside from the above, flooding also contaminates clean water causing diseases and ailments. Of course, there can be a lot of different cases of floods. The most decimating surge in Bihar’s history happened in 1987, when an avalanche obstructed the Bhote Kosi River, making it surge and crush more than 1.7 million homes. There are mainly two reasons that can create a flood: excessive rains and overflow of rivers. Although the causes of floods are varied, most of the causes can be managed if not prevented. Essay on Flood: Causes, Consequences and Prevention – Essay 4 (400 Words) Introduction: Flood is one of the recurring natural disasters which is an outcome of above average rainfall and accumulation of excessive water in every living area. Completing the CAPTCHA proves you are a human and gives you temporary access to the web property. Catastrophes like tsunamis and surges in storms cause heavy flooding. Rising sea levels and the overflowing river. Shopping is my favorite pastime! Nice prices, excellence of writing and on-time delivery. Flood is simply defined as the overflow of a very huge quantity of water that covers a very large area of land and leads to the destruction of land and properties and sometimes lives in the areas that are affected. Floods A flood is an overflow of water that submerges land. While some of them are ways by which we can prevent the implication and aftermath of flood, a few of them would help in preventing its occurrence as well. Deadly floods are a common occurrence in India after every few years. My school essay hamari maa, essay on are we too dependent on computers. Prevention from flood. Pluvial floods are caused by surface water as a result of heavy rainfall. I have no complaints. Flood barriers can be used as a defense during Flood crisis. Surge floods are floods that occur in the coast regions due to surges and tidal changes that occur in the sea or ocean. Plus, get a FREE copy of How to Make Money Blogging! Ways To Prevent Flash Flood Search. There is loss of life of humans as well as animals. The frequency and rate of flood has drastically increased recently. Heavy flooding can have a damaging effect on our environment and the infrastructures in it. ADVERTISEMENTS: Flood appears as a curse to the people who are directly affected by it. For me, my family and friends are everything. Flood resilient homes with efficiency to waterproof homes and moving electric sockets which moves higher as the flood rises. The sudden rise of the temperature causes the snow to melt and this leads to the massive movement of a lot of water to the plains and lands around. Hurricanes and very strong winds have the ability to carry sea water into coastal lands that are dry and this is a serious cause of flood. Let us check further into the possible causes of flood and how we can eradicate it too. Broken dams: Dams help in keeping the water level in check. During a flood the water of the river rises very high. Some of the common causes of Flooding are Heavy Rains, Overflowing Rains, Broken Dams, Urban Drainage Basins, Storm Surges & Tsunami’s, Channels with steep sides, lack of vegetation and melting of snow and Ice. People and the government both suffer from loss in financial terms. Floods mostly disrupt the normalcy of living things on the planet. Re-building of affected areas takes a lot of time and money. It likewise devastated 11,827 hectares of products and demolished the occupation of 300,000 fishermen. Essay on science fair in my school, good intro to compare and contrast essay. Rain is wel­come for the growth of crops and cooling down the atmos­phere, especially after the hot summer. It is for own good and for the benefit of future generations that we all do our bit to protect the life on earth from the backlash of nature. Also, they can remove sand from farmland making it difficult to grow crops. The reasons for floods can be natural and unnatural caused due to human activities. 55 reviews. Don’t forget to share it! Hence there is a need to know about them so as to understand and analyse what can be done in order to minimise such destruction in future years. Flood is a natural disaster that involves overflowing of water over a region of land that is dry under usual conditions. Mountains that were covered with snow in the season of winter start to melt once temperature begins to rise. Global warming is an adverse effect of environmental pollution that causes a rise in temperatures on the earth’s surface. One of the deadliest floods in recent times was the flood in Gujarat in the year 1979 in the Machhu Dam-II. Flooding can also happen as a result of water overflowing from bodies of water like lakes, oceans and rivers. Floods may occur due to overflow of water from the reservoirs or due to heavy down pour of rain in places where the drainage systems are … As a result, a sudden rush of water overflows the banks of rivers and canals and causes flood. Descriptive essay writer essay writing about sardar vallabhbhai patel how to write the name of a video game in an essay, essay writing on knowledge is power, essay definition quizlet. Breakage of water body boundaries like riverbanks or walls of dams. This can avoid water logging which will prevent floods. Flood, simply put is an overflow of water from several sources. Floods are usually heard of it in news and through channels as every year, large portions of India are drastically affected by floods. Last year I added a new habit of reading books to by daily rituals. To ensure the meteorological departments are well equipped to provide flood warnings to the indicated zones. 3. Floods can cause major destruction just as other natural calamities. Essays on Ways To Prevent Flash Flood. The level of flood can vary a lot – from a few inches to a level that goes up to meters high like a roof level of a house. Flooding is a threat to... read full [Essay Sample] for free February 14, 2018 Jarwato Disaster. However, this year was particularly exceptional. Doing this will ensure that we will be able to curtail the frequency of natural disasters like flood. Other cultures were aerated by having students focus more on plagiarism as stealing; instead it is impossible to characterize superinten- dent to make choices about knowledge, meaning making, identity and future provision of disaster on essay flood and quality of school psychologists to provide variety when citing in parentheses c, or from figure 18. The dam can sometimes break when they can’t hold a large quantity of water and this causes the areas nearby to experience flooding. Vast acres of crops are destroyed. A flood basically occurs when there is excessive rain and there is no proper or good drainage system. Those who cannot be transported, have to be supplied with food etc. Flood that is caused by snow melting is also called a snowmelt flood. Tsunamis and hurricanes are widely known causes of serious devastation to areas of coastal lands. The use of cheap materials causes dams to break. India witness floods every year in different states. Global warming: Owing to the increase in global temperature, the ice cap is melting and the increased level of water in the river bed is going to cause a flood. However, not much is done to prevent these floods which lead to vast destruction in both rural and urban areas. Some of these are the Gangetic plains, coastal Andhra Pradesh and Orissa, Brahmaputra valley and South Gujarat. Brandon Dendas Mrs. Whittaker Sophomore English March 22, 2009 A Comparison Essay about “Flood” and “Flying” The purpose of a descriptive essay is to describe a person, place, or thing in much detail. The other type of floods is pluvial floods. The flood thus created in western India caused somewhere around 1,335 deaths, as per the Press Trust of India at the time. This helps to prevent flood. Get FREE Work-at-Home Job Leads Delivered Weekly! It will prevent the overflow of water in the flood plains. This is what makes an essay writing How To Prevent Flash Flood Essay service completely safe to work with. The nature of the world is to have dry land and water. Floods can be avoided by improving the soil conditions thereby allowing easy water absorption. Some of the measures that can be done to prevent Floods are: i. The most noticeably bad climate-related floods in India’s history happened in June 2013, when a few days of overwhelming precipitation activated blaze surges and avalanches in the northern territory of Uttarakhand. Sometimes, excessive water can be released intentionally by the dam to stop the dam from breaking which also results in flood but the flood from the intentional release of water isn’t as harsh as that from the dam breaking. Any dry land filled by excess water is called flood. Today, because of urban sprawl, less than half remain. The most common calamities that our country faces are storms and floods. When there is excessive rainfall in river banks and coastal areas, there is an increase in water level which leads to overflow of water into the nearby dry land. Your comments and suggestions will serve as an inspiration and learning platform for me. Find Essays and Articles Written By Experts, Essay on Flood: Reasons, Effects and Conclusion – Essay 2 (250 Words), Essay on Flood in India – Essay 3 (300 Words), Essay on Flood: Causes, Consequences and Prevention – Essay 4 (400 Words), Essay on Flood: Types, Causes and Adverse Effects – Essay 5 (500 Words), Essay on Flood: With Causes, Mitigating Steps and Warning System – Essay 6 (600 Words), Essay on Flood: With Causes – Essay 7 (750 Words), Essay on Flood in India – Essay 8 (1000 Words). Rivers can overflow sometimes and create flood in the neighboring regions. Tsunami: Natural calamities like tsunami is likely to create problems of flood and can bring massive loss of life and property. Rivers and other water bodies can overflow sometimes and this leads to a situation that is flood like in the areas nearby. Photo Essay – In Praise of Srinagar, September Flood. The buildings should be so made that they are above the flood levels and they should be sturdy enough to withstand flood as well. Essay review service free, write my college application essay. And it does not stop there. Comparison Essay of Annie Dillard's Essay Flood and Flying. By choosing to cut the level of air and water pollution and minimizing the use of non bio-degradable products, we may be able to directly or indirectly help in controlling the problem of flood and its aftermath. The extent or severity of the floods are determined by the strength, size, speed and directions of the surges. Whenever any calamity occurs, it is important to do your bit to create awareness. Historic flooding in india and stan the atlantic essay flood disaster how to prevent floods floods in am causes effects and solutions my india cause and effect essay causes of flood exle. Protecting wetlands and planting trees systematically can help alleviate the direct floods. A lot of regions in the world experience flooding every year. The effects and destruction caused by flood can take many years to fix and repair. Heavy rains: owing to climate changes, many a times, it so happen that it rains torrentially. Floods may occur due to overflow of water from the reservoirs or due to heavy down pour of rain in places where the drainage systems are not properly maintained. Search Results. Meaning of bible essay. Flood incidences have increased due to global warming. The military was brought in to evacuate around 100,000 people from rocky parts of the state, where they had turned out to be caught by the avalanches. • Retaining walls The marooned people have to be evacuated to higher and safer places. Although pluvial flooding does not involve a lot of water, it causes massive destruction of the environment and the infrastructure. During heavy rains the lack of vegetation on the surface of the earth. My greatest weakness: I act as an extrovert but from deep inside I am an Introvert and Shy. Female freedom fighters essay in tamil. Sand bags are placed in strategic areas to retain flood waters. Let me know what you think about this article. It can also happen even if low levels of rain occur continuously for many days.