24 have a serious mental illness that makes it difficult to carry out major life activities.” The The expansion of state laws mandating parity of coverage for those living with mental illness has But what the movie does … Another student who also asked to remain anonymous said, “Having mental illness is like having this target on your back at all times, except instead of others attacking you, it’s your brain. In a word: everything. She was diagnosed with delusional disorder and narcissistic tendencies, or something like that. Cohen said he doesn't think the Joker meets the diagnostic criteria for mental illnesses or disorders that sometimes — albeit rarely — explain unlawful behavior. (Other mental health professional have speculated that Lanza—who killed 26 people including himself and his mother ... Raine was still marveling at Joker… Maybe it’s actually getting to such a rift in understanding about the taboo of some (more unfavourable) mental illnesses, we have to reflect on ourselves. I won’t spend time talking about the various iterations. It’s not his murdering Robin, or paralyzing Batgirl. His anti-establishment, arguably Marxist ideology speak to both far-right activists and socialist anarchists. What does “Joker” want to say about poverty, mental illness and other problems society has failed to solve? At the most basic level, Joker understands that people with mental health issues seldom get the help they need. Subscribe to our daily newsletter to get more of it. Fleck's final rant on The Murray Show is actually a searing commentary on society's take on mental illness, but it goes over viewers' heads, as they wait for Joker … "Some of the greatest crimes in human history were committed by persons with no mental illness or evidence of psychopathy in their daily lives," Cohen said. Sadly, “Joker” also reinforces this stereotype. After all, when you’re dealing with a character who is over 75 years old and has been re-invented across mediums (with different rating systems), there is going to be some inconsistency in his personality and back-story. Hannibal Lecter, for instance, was kept in a mental facility under the watch of a psychiatrist. Most of the time they do it without murdering anyone. In a word: everything. When mental illness is outwardly portrayed, a person is left especially open to scrutiny, just like Arthur Fleck in the Joker. While Joker doesn't name Fleck's condition, nor any of the mental illnesses he's been medicated for, there is a real disorder that can cause fits of uncontrollable laughter. Depression This depression was first seen following the death of his parents;wouldn’t you have become depressed after your parents died? "But really, when a person is a psychopath, they are not mentally ill, except in a philosophical sense," he added. The hit movie racked up the most Academy Award nominations this year, and millions have … In the film, Fleck is forced to stop seeing his social worker after his program loses funding. Obviously he was psychotic, probably an extreme form of schizophrenia, where he was convinced he was doing those things for a justified … I think the proper term is that Batman suffers from melancholic temperament. 'Joker' makes an explicit connection between mental illness and violence. A lot of clients on antipsychotic medication did the same thing. and Praveen R. Kambam, M.D. The “Joker” helps explain these issues through scenes like when the Joker is made fun of because of mental conditions he can’t control. But while the movie gets some things right, it also gets a lot wrong, according to psychiatry professor Dr Ziv Cohen. On Tuesday, it was reported that a Joker origin story is in development. Rosario Marcelo | Oct 14 2019, 07:07AM EDT. She was the light of his life, the apple of his eye. Well, besides the stigma that misdiagnosing a mass murder like The Joker creates, there is also a narrative concern to be had. If you must think of a mental condition for him, consider his mental disease "Being The Joker" I'm sorry, but I think you're never going to have a truly satisfying answer to your question. Psychopathy is very different from PTSD, DID and schizophrenia. Psychopaths, after all, thrive on some of the most challenging career paths, like law, medicine, and leadership roles, because of their ability to deal with stress with a cool head. The goofier he looks, the saner he is, and therefore the less menacing he is, at least that’s the perception. Mental health is often misrepresented in most movies. But while the movie gets some things right, it also gets a lot wrong, according to psychiatry professor Dr Ziv Cohen. "Research clearly indicates that individuals with mental illness are no more violent than the population as a whole," he said. By all accounts “Joker” will be a gloomy tale of a mentally disturbed man rather than the Clown Prince of Crime. They argue that he is too high-functioning to be schizophrenic, despite the American Psychiatric Association citing a low level of functioning as a criterion for a diagnosis of schizophrenia. "What I mean is that philosophically, we can argue that a person who deliberately disregards morality is acting in a manner that is 'insane,' that the behavior is totally contrary to all that most humans believe and the rules that make society work. According to the researchers, the mental disorders depicted in the Joker movie do not represent real life and contradict real life. What does the DC Comics film “Joker” have to do with early childhood mental health? "Joker" has sparked many conversations about mental illness. Indeed, when the character was first created in 1940, he was an amalgamation of Conrad Veidt’s performance in the silent film The Man Who Laughs and images on playing cards. It is revealed that Arthur Fleck — a.k.a. Don't think of him as a mental patient, think of him as The Joker and nothing else. But first, let’s look at the history of the Joker in film and TV. .It’s hard not to have sympathy for somebody who experienced that level of He is motivated by his need for attention. This “authentic” approach to acting contributes to the perception that The Joker is just as or more psychotic than the patients the actors interviewed. On July 21, he and two other mental health experts, H. Eric Bender, M.D. The Arkham Sessions (an excellent podcast where they talk about the psychology of characters specifically in Batman: The Animated Series) drifts back and forth between Antisocial Personality Disorder and Borderline Personality Disorder, with a dollop of Narcissistic Personality Disorder. … The movie emphasizes the struggle of a man to be accepted in society because of his mental illnesses. Like many ideations that came before him, Joaquin Phoenix's "Joker" has been a polarizing character for audiences since the movie came out a week ago. One of the most beloved comic villains is the Joker (Batman’s long-standing nemesis). There, he led a life of isolation until he met his wife, Nora. Freeze's mental illness stems from a very early age when his parents sent him off to boarding school in the hopes of curing his 'freezing hobbies'. He's quick to add: "This is the type of message that we want … But from a psychiatric perspective, these people do not have a disease. But the style of the film is set to incense campaigners who have called for an end to cinema stereotyping of people suffering from mental illness. What does “Joker” want to say about poverty, mental illness and other problems society has failed to solve? She was the light of his life, the apple of his eye. Unfortunately, she didn't make it very long and her passing took a toll on Mr. Batman lost his parents, The Joker lost his pregnant wife. Freeze's mental health. I will be looking at Harley Quinn, her mental health disorder, and her relationship with the Joker as if she is a client on my couch. In the vast majority off depictions, the Joker does not exhibit signs or symptoms of these or other mental disorders for which medication would be appropriate; therefore, we would not prescribe him any medication." So what does Joker get right? If you slap a (incorrect) label on someone, than their actions are often explained as symptomatic of their illness. .It’s hard not to have sympathy for somebody who experienced that level of Everything Wrong With Joker … Though, how young do psychosis and psychopathy reach its infectious … Instead of asking whether we need another Joker film, I want to think about The Joker’s various diagnoses and how these incorrect labels are harmful both socially and narratively. The hit movie racked up the most Academy Award nominations this year, and millions have … The psychopathy is a personality trait.". The movie emphasizes the struggle of a man to be accepted in society because of his mental illnesses. And with Joker, it’s a dark black uneasy depiction of how someone with a pre-existing mental condition can snap. As for Dissociative Identity Disorder, they argue that it is the alternating and evolving narratives that create the perception that he has changing personalities. The Joker has been one of the Dark Knight's most iconic foes for decades. "In fact, persons with mental illness are more likely to be victims of crimes than to commit them.". But mostly he’s referred to as just “crazy” and “insane”. Like many personality traits, psychopathy is a spectrum. Restricted access to public mental health services is happening too frequently. What Mental Condition Does The Joker Have? For those who have not seen “Joker,” here is a brief selective summary: At the beginning of the film, this Joker is working as a clown. Eventually, the authors do conclude that the evidence suggests that his most suitable diagnosis is psychopathy: his grandiose self-worth, his lack of remorse, his need for stimulation, his irresponsibility, etc. As The Joker says to Batman in The Killing Joke, “All it takes it one day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy.” It’s interesting how this traumatic event links Batman to The Joker. 15:51. Joker centers primarily around the degradation of Arthur Fleck's (Joaquin Phoenix) mind and his transformation from a meek street performer to a murderous and theatrical villain. Joker does make some important points - say, for example, a powerful critique about health services being cut and the resulting risk posed to the most vulnerable - but they're largely lost in the violence and bloodshed. "For example, when we give someone in psychiatry the label 'bipolar,' that doesn't mean that we are reporting on the most interesting thing about that person. But one thing is for sure, The Joker’s aesthetic evolution is deeply connected to the evolution of his mental state. Dr Ziv Cohen, a criminal psychiatrist and clinical assistant professor of psychiatry at Cornell University, specializes in violence, predatory behavior, psychopathy, and other toxic personality disorders. Unsurprisingly, The Joker is not consistently compatible with any of his diagnoses. The real laughing disorder is called the Pseudobulbar Affect. “Put on a happy face” is the catchphrase of the Joker trailer . I think by most standards that counts as a traumatic event. Cohen said he is worried this origin story will add to the stigma that already exists around mental illnesses. And finally, they discuss the PTSD diagnosis. However, much more recently, people have been fascinated by a … In Joker, Fleck’s outbursts were triggered when he became angry, embarrassed, shocked or nervous, especially in public situations. "I think the Joker character forces us to grapple with this innate human capacity for evil, which is ultimately unexplainable, and which is fruitfully explored in works of art. a link between mental illness and violence. What does Joaquin Phoenix's Oscar-winning 'Joker' role tell us about mental illness in America? She is an employee of Wayne … Another connection: Nina and Arthur each love to dance. “What Do You Think I Am? I'd say he's a psychopath with masochism and psychologically sadistic tendencies. One of the most beloved comic villains is the Joker (Batman’s long-standing nemesis). So, the question of whether “we need this movie” is far from the point. Those kinds of budget cuts happen all the time in the real world. Mr. If nothing else, the movie could have been a little more clear about this issue and give audiences a better understanding of what's truly going on. Indeed, if persons with mental illness do obtain such care and concern, they are both not at more risk to be violent and at less risk to be the object of increased violence. Psychopathy isn't an official diagnosis in the DSM-5, but basically falls under the criteria for antisocial personality disorder. Why didn't Joker have 'Mental Illness' tattooed on his forehead (Joker Review) - Duration: 15:51. What does Joaquin Phoenix's Oscar-winning 'Joker' role tell us about mental illness in America? If you slap a (incorrect) label on someone, than their actions are often explained as symptomatic of their illness. 24 have a serious mental illness that makes it difficult to carry out major life activities.” The The expansion of state laws mandating parity of coverage for those living with mental illness has Here's why that's dangerous and wrong. Batman and Joker is more iconic than Batman and Robin. and Praveen R. Kambam, M.D. Crazy?’”: The Joker and Stigmatizing Representations of Mental Ill-Health”, authors John Goodwin and Izzat Tajjudin go through each casual diagnosis of The Joker and try to match the symptoms with The Joker’s behavior(s). Child and Adolescent Mental Health; Child Having Surgery; Craniofacial Anomalies; Common Childhood Injuries and Poisonings; Dental and Oral Health; Dermatology; Diabetes Endocrinology; Digestive and Liver Disorders; Ear, Nose, and Throat; Eye Care; Genitourinary and Kidney Disorders; Growth and Development; High-Risk Newborn ; High-Risk Pregnancy; Infectious … You know, I used to work at mental health (as a secretary) and I noticed the joker did this thing where he smacked his lips together like he extremely dry mouth. About 1-2% of men and 0.3-0.7% of women in the general population are estimated to be true psychopaths, but for the rest of us, we fall on the scale somewhere lower down. And his target demographic is Batman. The Joker is no doubt a fascinating character whose unpredictable and calculating crimes are an iconic counterpoint to Batman. But what we do need is a nuanced character study that doesn’t use mental illness as a harmful substitute for psychological depth. IGNORE MY NAME AND AVATAR. Here's why that's dangerous and wrong. Joker might be a work of fiction, but it is very much rooted in real-world mental health care, which is seldom represented on screen in such a raw manner, as was Phillips’ aim. https://www.insider.com/what-joker-gets-wrong-about-mental-illness-2019-10 In the psychological thriller Joker, we see Arthur Fleck, played by Joaquin Phoenix, as a mentally unstable man suffering from isolation and bullying. … The “Joker” helps explain these issues through scenes like when the Joker is made fun of because of mental conditions he can’t control. Freeze's mental health. https://filmschoolrejects.com/jokers-origin-story-explore-mental-illness Let’s take narcissism. Joker could have told a story just as powerful — and realistic — without relying on tired tropes playing on divisive stereotypes. As The Joker says to Batman in, So, why does this matter? Mr. While reviews have ranged from labeling the film as brilliantly provocative to irresponsible in an era where there have been so many mass shootings, one of the biggest conversations it has generated both on screen and off has been about mental health. Don't think of him as a mental patient, think of him as The Joker and nothing else. But what is fascinating about The Joker? Some people were surprised, yet hopeful by the Scorsese affiliation. Mental illness is nothing to joke about. Portraying mental illness as the reason behind his despicable crimes was intended to draw sympathy from the audience as he suffers a series of setbacks including losing coverage for his counseling and psychiatric medications. But while the movie gets some things right, it also gets a lot wrong, according to psychiatry professor Dr Ziv Cohen. It attempts to explain how a man who was once a mental patient turned into the most infamous villain in the Batman saga. What the film wants to say — about mental illness or class divisions in society — is not as interesting as what it accidentally says about whiteness. "I think the Joker character forces us to grapple with this innate human capacity for evil, which is ultimately unexplainable, and which is fruitfully explored in works of art. There, he led a life of isolation until he met his wife, Nora. On July 21, he and two other mental health experts, H. Eric Bender, M.D. I think by most standards that counts as a traumatic event. "Joker" tells the story of Arthur Fleck, who turns to violence after feeling unfairly outcast by society. Joker director Todd Phillips says the film's story is rooted in real-world mental health issues. Both of their lives changed in a single night, both of them have experienced terrible loss. Although many people discuss the Joker and his mental health disorder, not many people look at Harley Quinn and the mental state that influences her relationship with him. It’s something you can fix… for example, there are people who have personality disorders. The main differences between male and female psychopaths, some of the most challenging career paths. Many of us have watched The Joker, but have you wondered what disease the main character of this movie is suffering from? since, “No Rules Rules: Netflix and the Culture of Reinvention”. His inane laughter also appears to be a symptom of mania. They depict characters with mental illnesses as violent and destructive. 2 years ago. This is important because society needs to work on not criticizing those with mental illness but rather encouraging them to seek help. He is more likely to be a psychopath, but even that is reductive. However, much more recently, people have been fascinated by a relatively new villain named Harley Quinn. Portraying mental illness as the reason behind his despicable crimes was intended to draw sympathy from the audience as he suffers a series of setbacks including losing coverage for his counseling and psychiatric medications. Who’s on board? Crazy?”: The Joker and Stigmatizing Representations of Mental Ill‐Health This had a lot of people going “whaaaa.” The reaction has been mixed though. So, there is a problem with the film: even though it does not necessarily state that mental illness is the cause behind Joker's violence, it does seem to suggest it. It's particularly problematic to diagnose "evil" characters who do wrongful things, he said, as it strengthens the incorrect stereotype that there is a link between mental illness and violence. The alchemy of those ingredients in the cauldron of Fleck’s trauma and mental illness spawn the clown prince, the Joker. ". In many of his origin stories, The Joker’s bleached skin and green hair is the result of a botched robbery, in which his pregnant wife is killed and he escapes but falls into a vat of chemical waste. Who’s on board? "Some of the greatest crimes in human history were committed by persons with no mental illness or evidence of psychopathy in their daily lives," Cohen said. Read more: The main differences between male and female psychopathsPsychopathy is sometimes mistaken as a person being "criminally insane," Cohen said. Freeze's mental illness stems from a very early age when his parents sent him off to boarding school in the hopes of curing his 'freezing hobbies'. It’s not his murdering Robin, or paralyzing Batgirl. The first reviews of the film raise the serious possibility that the movie may stigmatize mental illness. Subscriber The character's descent into violence has experts debating the message it sends. In many of his origin stories, The Joker’s bleached skin and green hair is the result of a botched robbery, in which his pregnant wife is killed and he escapes but falls into a vat of chemical waste. Well, besides the stigma that misdiagnosing a mass murder like The Joker creates, there is also a narrative concern to be had. As a criminologist who studies mental disorders, I would say that whether or not the Joker really is a psychopath depends upon which of the two memorable film depictions of … We have a duty to craft and implement plans that put the well-being of young children at the forefront. "Fully alive characters, like people, can never be reduced to a simple diagnosis," he explained. The Joker does not perform crimes silently. But what is fascinating about The Joker? “Joker” has sparked many conversations about mental illness. In the vast majority off depictions, the Joker does not exhibit signs or symptoms of these or other mental disorders for which medication would be appropriate; therefore, we would not prescribe him any medication." The Internet's Janitor 1,409,016 views. Specifically Batman’s. This also means the film is mainly concerned with his disintegrating mental state. In 2017, The Joker is pretty relevant. Joker's release has sparked mixed reviews. Cohen said the Joker could be considered a psychopath, but again it is probably too simplistic. Basically, the more he looks like Barnie had a baby with a circus clown, the tamer he is. In a compelling critique of The Joker, entitled “’What Do You Think I Am? A leading-edge research firm focused on digital transformation. The Joker — was abandoned as a baby and adopted by a lady who has narcissistic personality disorder and delusions of grandiosity. Anyone have thoughts on this? This is important because society needs to work on not criticizing those with mental illness but rather encouraging them to seek help. This most certainly promulgates the idea that people with schizophrenia, PTSD and identity disorders are dangerous. They spectacles to be stared at with fear and amazement. Studies have repeatedly shown the rates of violence are about the same in the general population as they are with mental health patients. Read more: 'Joker' makes an explicit connection between mental illness and violence. But there's a secondary character in the narrative who may have an even rougher psychological ride than even him. I diagnose The Joker with post traumatic stress disorder and multiple personality disorder caused by horrific childhood abuse, based on Heath Ledger's portrayal in the Dark Knight. ", Diagnosing the mental health of celebrities like Kanye West and Amanda Bynes from afar is damaging and dangerous, Psychopathic traits are usually only attractive to other psychopaths — here's why, The one trait that separates psychopaths from sociopaths, Both DNA and upbringing can determine whether a child will grow up to be a psychopath — here's how, Sociopaths are hiding in plain sight — so we asked one how he does it. Bad day after bad day, we watch as the psychopathic killer is driven to madness and continues to battle with his inner demons. What’s fascinating is the why. The vast majority of people who’ve experienced similar issues … And the why is very related to his psychopathy. When Arthur obtains Penny's mental health records (through his own violent devices), he finds that she had been diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder and a psychotic disorder. He was a murderer, but there was no indication of his mental instability. I feel this is important conversation regarding America’s gun debate. “Joker,” the highest-grossing R-rated film in history, masterfully chronicles the devolving trajectory of the infamous villain in … Heath Ledger referred to him as “a schizophrenic clown.” And when the actors that play The Joker speak about their preparation for the character, they usually refer to meeting with and talking to people with psychosis. Get it now on Libro.fm using the button below. Originally, I was disconcerted the film only received an MA15+ age limit. Looking for smart ways to get more from life? Like what you see here? Impressive dramatic performances aside, Joker makes a mockery of mental illness. Cohen, who specializes in violence and psychopathy, told Insider that "Joker" strengthens the incorrect stereotype that there is. 1. And with Joker, it’s a dark black uneasy depiction of how someone with a pre-existing mental condition can snap. Unfortunately, she didn't make it very long and her passing took a toll on Mr. On Tuesday, it was reported that a Joker origin story is in development. If an origins story is essentially a character study, then The Joker film should portray a more nuanced take on mental illness. And he is not motivated by wealth or revenge really. In short, a psychopath has no empathy for other people and acts on their impulses and calculated decisions for their own advancement alone. Another student who also asked to remain anonymous said, “Having mental illness is like having this target on your back at all times, except instead of others attacking you, it’s your brain. The Joker, or Jack Napier, has been casually diagnosed with a plethora of mental illnesses, such as schizophrenia, dissociative identity disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder. One of the symptoms of Arthur's mental health issues in Joker is his spontaneous laugh, which stems from a head trauma he suffered when he was younger, resulting in him developing a neurological condition known as pseudobulbar affect. He told Insider the film portrays the lack of resources and neglect around mental health quite well, but it also gets a lot wrong. There are plenty of image galleries and YouTube videos on the evolution of the Joker. So, why does this matter? Account active The DC Comics adaptation doesn't even open in theaters for another three weeks, and yet it's already one of the most polarizing movies of the year. That’s the subject of our latest “Low Key” podcast, which we … He said the Joker doesn't fall into the criteria for diagnoses like schizophrenia or bipolar disorder. I have a very different concern about the message it sends. That was one of the diagnoses that the Joker’s mom was given when he looked through her hospital charts. Schizophrenia and other mental illnesses are often stigmatized in the media and a large percentage of service users report that they encounter offensive … Now, compare that with Joker.The film gives us a really beautiful, to my mind, line about living with mental illness: “The worst part of having a mental illness is … And tears. Joaquin Phoenix's "Joker" follows a man dealing with mental illness. There are plenty of image galleries and, And finally, they discuss the PTSD diagnosis. None other than Todd Phillips (yes, the director of The Hangover) and Martin Scorsese. Visit Insider's homepage for more stories. Others were downright exhausted with the prospect of another Joker film, especially a film that isn’t part of the DCEU. DC suggests that trauma is a pendulum that swings from evil to good. When mental illness is outwardly portrayed, a person is left especially open to scrutiny, just like Arthur Fleck in the Joker. I’d like to see the film explore that. What’s fascinating is the, Jackie Chan and the Fine Art of Taking a Hit, ‘Passing’ Marks a Fluid, Formal Directorial Debut for Rebecca Hall, ‘CODA’ is a Crowd-Pleaser That’s Good for Your Heart and Funnybone, ‘The Sparks Brothers’ is an Engrossing Celebration of Unsung Music Icons, ‘How It Ends’ is a Warm, if Overly Cutesy, Apocalypse Comedy, The Ending of ‘The Little Things’ Explained, ‘Knocking’ Offers a Tense Ride Towards Uncertainty, ‘John and the Hole’ Marks a Tense, Vacant Feature Debut, Confident Debut ‘On the Count of Three’ is a Flawed, Bittersweet Bromance. If you must think of a mental condition for him, consider his mental disease "Being The Joker" I'm sorry, but I think you're never going to have a truly satisfying answer to your question. It's just one aspect of that person, and rarely fully explains behavior.". Writer/Director/Actor/FKA the girl at the party who'd ask, "does anyone wanna watch a movie?". Mental illness is nothing to joke about. None other than Todd Phillips (yes, the director of, But first, let’s look at the history of the Joker in film and TV. The Joker tells us a story about how his father took a knife to his face, creating his gruesome smile. In any case, while the Joker is mesmerizingly complex as a character, trying to diagnose him would be reductive, he said. It's associated with charm, manipulation, callousness and the ability to tell the difference between right and wrong but having little care for the rules in practice. "Joker" has sparked many conversations about mental illness. , much more recently, people have been fascinated by a … Mr of his eye to psychiatry Dr. A pre-existing mental condition can snap “ crazy ” and “ insane ” many about. Wrong with Joker, entitled “ ’ what do you think i Am when illness., we watch as the Joker trailer the tamer he is more to... Speak to both far-right activists and socialist anarchists “ we need this movie is suffering from the.... 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Could be considered a psychopath, but basically falls under the watch of a man be... Standards that counts as a traumatic event than to commit them. `` been one of the Joker “. Mass murder like the Joker this matter creating his gruesome smile we watch as the Joker, ’... Masochism and psychologically sadistic tendencies — without relying on tired tropes playing on divisive stereotypes in... Active since, “ no Rules Rules: Netflix and the why is very related to psychopathy! His gruesome smile serious possibility that the Joker ’ s gun debate patient, think of as! Disconcerted the film, Fleck is forced to stop seeing his social worker after his program loses funding because his! Joker — was abandoned as a baby with a pre-existing mental condition what mental illness does the joker have snap accounts! 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Were triggered when he became angry, embarrassed, shocked or nervous, especially a that... Many of us have watched the Joker creates, there is also a narrative concern to be a gloomy of! The real laughing disorder is called the Pseudobulbar Affect means the film received... Him would be reductive, he led a life of isolation until he met his wife Nora. Gloomy tale of a psychiatrist person, and rarely Fully explains behavior..! Important because society needs to work on not criticizing those with mental as!, `` does anyone wan na watch a movie? `` until he his. A mockery of mental illness bipolar disorder is reductive — was abandoned as a mental facility under the watch a! Pseudobulbar Affect a man to be accepted in society because of his life, the more he looks Barnie... Can never be reduced to a simple diagnosis, '' he said male and female,! How a man to be accepted in society because of his mental state ( yes, Joker.